Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Schmoor, chairman of the soldering society in DVS, wrote to me on October 18, 2018:
Dear Mr. Peter,
I have read/studied your manual with great interest over the last few weeks and would like to thank you very much for the very detailed and pleasantly readable presentation of the topics.
Your explanations around induction brazing are very detailed and show a high level of expert knowledge, which you however teach the reader very well.
Your chapters on the basics of soldering (6-9) are also very readable for beginners and contain all the essential points.
I would be happy to recommend your book to my customers who are involved in induction brazing.
With kind regards
Hartmut Schmoor

The editor-in-chief of the Polish journal "Welding Technology Review", Warsaw, Prof. Tomasz Chmielewski, wrote to me about this in May 18, 2020:
Dear Hans-Joachim Peter,
I would like to thank you for sent your book to editor office of "Welding Technology Review".
We received this book with real pleasure.
Please accept my congratulations because of impressive high meritoric level of this comprehensive elaborat.
We have put on our website an announcement about your handbook with link to your webside.
Additionally, we will inform our readers about your book in future printed issue of our journal too.
Dear Sir, I wish many readers, your book is worth it.
Sincerely yours,
Prof. Tomasz Chmielewski

Prof. Ing. Jiří Kožený, CSc., Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen (Czech Republic) wrote me on January 15, 2021:
Everything in detail about induction brazing on 304 pages
The manual contains a comprehensive treatment of the technological process of brazing with induction heating on 304 pages, divided into 15 chapters and supplemented with 308 illustrative figures and photos as well as 12 tables.
The reader is given a detailed overview of the basics of induction heating and its advantages, the fundamentals of brazing techniques dating back to prehistoric times several thousand years ago, and documented objects from archaeological finds. Furthermore, the basics of soldering with induction heating at the state of the art, the materials for soft and hard soldering, soldering devices and sources for their power supply and inductors as sources of electromagnetic waves that generate the necessary heat in the soldered objects without contact after hitting them.
The manual gives 163 practical examples of induction brazing on 116 pages, from which the reader gets an idea of the importance of the correct design and execution of inductors in relation to the shape and complexity of the brazed joints. He also points out the mistakes made in induction brazing and the ways to test brazed joints for strength and tightness. The author does not forget the occupational safety of brazing and does not overlook the implications for the cleanliness of the working and environmental environment and the applicable brazing standards.
The author's more than 50 years of knowledge and experience from his own practice on the theory and application of induction heating for surface hardening, hot forming, melting and the execution of brazed joints with induction heating are reflected in the professional level of this manual.
Dear Mr. Peter, for today I remain with very cordial greetings and with the wish that we must survive the days with pandemic health !
Your Kozeny.

Prof. Fabrizio Dughiero, Professor of Electroheat and PV Science and Technology, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Padova, Italy, wrote to me on April 21, 2020:
Dear Mr. Peter,
I would like to thank you for your book, which is very useful for my studies and activities.
It is well organized and contains a lot of technical information not easily found in the "classical" scientific literature.
For my students I am preparing some power point presentations on different topics in my course "Electromagnetic Processing of Materials", and I would like to ask you if it is possible to use some of your pictures (with references, of course).
Thank you again and my congratulations for the nice book.
With kind regards,
Fabrizio Dughiero